Publisher: IOS Press
Language: English
ISBN: 158603796X
Paperback: 824 pages
Data: Mar 2008
Format: PDF

Description: ParCo2007 marks a quarter of a century of the international conferences on parallel computing that started in Berlin in 1983. The aim of the conference is to give an overview of the state-of-the-art of the developments, applications and future trends in high performance computing for all platforms. The conference addresses all aspects of parallel computing, including applications, hardware and software technologies as well as languages and development environments. Special emphasis was placed on the role of high performance processing to solve real-life problems in all areas, including scientific, engineering and multidisciplinary applications and strategies, experiences and conclusions made with respect to parallel computing. The book contains papers covering: 1) Applications; The application of parallel computers to solve computationally challenging problems in the physical and life sciences, engineering, industry and commerce. The treatment of complex multidisciplinary problems occurring in all application areas was discussed. 2) Algorithms; Design, analysis and implementation of generic parallel algorithms, including their scalability, in particular to a large number of processors (MPP), portability and adaptability and 3) Software and Architectures; Software engineering for developing and maintaining parallel software, including parallel programming models and paradigms, development environments, compile-time and run-time tools. A number of symposia on specialized topics formed part of the scientific program. The following topics were covered: Parallel Computing with FPGAs, The Future of OpenMP in the Multi-Core Era, Scalability and Usability of HPC Programming Tools, DEISA: Extreme Computing in an Advanced Supercomputing Environment and Scaling Science Applications on Blue Gene. The conference was organized by the renowned research and teaching institutions Forschungszentrum Jlich and the RWTH Aachen University in Germany.

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