Publisher: Pfeiffer
Language: English
ISBN: 0787987433
Paperback: 368 pages
Data: Mar 2008
Format: PDF

Description: The field of e-learning has experienced dramatic, and at times chaotic, growth. Over time, as technology has improved and its advantages have become clear, e-learning has gained widespread acceptance. It is now the fastest growing sector of corporate learning. Michael Allen’s 2008 e-Learning Annual presents a wide range of perspectives from some of the earliest and most renowned leaders in field. This important resource will help both educators and trainers create, purchase, and apply quality e-learning programs more effectively. It provides a wealth of applicable history and guidance for all persons contemplating e-learning, from the student to the organizational leader. It frankly and objectively presents lessons learned and the critical steps to success. Michael Allen’s 2008 e-Learning Annual is part of the Pfeiffer Annual series, first published in 1972.

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