Publisher: Oxford University Press
Language: English
ISBN: 019857083X
Paperback: 560 pages
Data: Mar 2009
Format: PDF
Description: This book presents a unified approach to a rich and rapidly evolving research domain at the interface between statistical physics, theoretical computer science/discrete mathematics, and coding/information theory. It is accessible to graduate students and researchers without a specific training in any of these fields. The selected topics include spin glasses, error correcting codes, satisfiability, and are central to each field. The approach focuses on large random instances, adopting a common probabilistic formulation in terms of graphical models. It presents message passing algorithms like belief propagation and survey propagation, and their use in decoding and constraint satisfaction solving. It also explains analysis techniques like density evolution and the cavity method, and uses them to study phase transitions.
This book is structured in five large parts, focusing on topics of increasing complexity. Each part typically contains three chapters that present some core topics in each of the disciplines of information theory, statistical physics, and combinatorial optimization. The topics in each part have a common mathematical structure, which is developed in additional chapters serving as bridges.
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